Palindromedary Ebooks For Sale

Our collection includes a palindrome anthology and a how-to book for budding palindromists. All links are affiliate links, and all books are now on sale at Amazon.

Our first palindrome anthology, “Cia So Manic in a Mosaic”

Meet Cia, manta whisperer and underwater cat trainer. She is so much more than a palindrome or colored pebbles arranged in a pretty pattern. Her story is fabulous, amazing and inspiring.

Cia So Manic in a Mosaic is our first Palindromedary Anthology. It’s available on Amazon now. The palindrome authors contributed a diverse and excellent set of compositions. It features over one hundred unique and original palindromes, including Cia’s remarkable story. Get your copy today!

How To Write Great Palindromes How To Write Great Palindromes is chock full of examples to help you learn palindrome composition. Insanely detailed examples give you insights into thought processes that help you explore new pathways to amazing original palindromes. Every example begins with a single seed word, including how I happened to choose that word. From there, each example goes on to show every lead, dead-end, and the turning points that kept the palindrome growing until it emerged, complete and beautiful, like a butterfly from a chrysalis. By the way, chrysalis is not in the palindromedary because it is not a very useful word for palindromes. Larva, aurelia and pupa are better. You’ll find no better guide for your journey from inspiration to exhilaration at beholding a shiny new palindrome.
Ray N. Franklin signature, printed in font P22 DaVinci Backwards, mirror script