Palindromes and palindromedaries around the world, Middle East view
Palindromes and palindromedaries around the world, Middle East view.

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497 498 499 501 502 503
  • Yawn a more Roman way.
    - Leigh Mercer, © 15:23 29 Dec 2019
  • Yawn. Madonna fan? No damn way.
    - Anonymous, © 15:23 29 Dec 2019
  • Yell upset a cider, predicates pulley.
    - William Irvine, © 15:23 29 Dec 2019
  • Yo bob, mug a gumbo boy.
    - (reported by) John Jensen (on the Net 4/95:, © 15:23 29 Dec 2019
  • Yo! job mug gumbo joy.
    - Anonymous, © 15:23 29 Dec 2019
  • Tuna nut.
    - Anonymous, © 21:28 28 Dec 2019
  • Able was I ere I saw Elba.
    - Charles Bombaugh in Gleanings 1867, © 21:28 28 Dec 2019
  • UFO tofu.
    - Anonymous, © 21:28 28 Dec 2019
  • A butt tuba.
    - Anonymous, © 21:28 28 Dec 2019
  • Vanna, wanna V?
    - Mike Griffin, © 21:28 28 Dec 2019
  • A car, a man, a maraca.
    - Anonymous, © 21:28 28 Dec 2019
  • Warsaw was raw.
    - Anonymous, © 21:28 28 Dec 2019
  • A dank, sad nap. Eels sleep and ask nada.
    -, © 21:28 28 Dec 2019
  • Was it a bar or a bat I saw?
    - Michael Burkley, © 21:28 28 Dec 2019
  • A dog! A panic in a pagoda.
    - Anonymous, © 21:28 28 Dec 2019
  • Was it a bat I saw?
    - whomre, © 21:28 28 Dec 2019
  • A dog, a plan, a canal: pagoda.
    - Anonymous, © 21:28 28 Dec 2019
  • Was it a car or a cat I saw?
    - Leigh Mercer, © 21:28 28 Dec 2019
  • A fool, a tool, a pool; LOOPALOOTALOOFA!
    - Anonymous, © 21:28 28 Dec 2019
  • Was it a cat I saw?
    - RoutineTerrible9796, © 21:28 28 Dec 2019
  • A lot not new I saw as I went on to L.A.
    - Anonymous, © 21:28 28 Dec 2019
  • Was it a hat I saw?
    - Anonymous, © 21:28 28 Dec 2019
  • A man, a pain, a mania, Panama.
    - Anonymous, © 21:28 28 Dec 2019
  • Was it a rat I saw?
    - G.R. Clarke 1887 (PALINDROMES by G.R. Clarke), © 21:28 28 Dec 2019
  • A man, a plan, a canal, Panama.
    - Anonymous, © 21:28 28 Dec 2019
  • Was it Eliot's toilet I saw?
    - Dona Smith 1993, © 21:28 28 Dec 2019
  • A man, a plan, an anal panama.
    - Anonymous, © 21:28 28 Dec 2019
  • We few.
    - Anonymous, © 21:28 28 Dec 2019
  • A nut for a jar of tuna.
    - Steven Lent, © 21:28 28 Dec 2019
  • We panic in a pew.
    - Joaquin and/or Maura Kuhn, © 21:28 28 Dec 2019
497 498 499 501 502 503
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