Palindromes and palindromedaries around the world, Middle East view
Palindromes and palindromedaries around the world, Middle East view.

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  • Hal: I led a repo opera, Delilah.
    - Lloyd Wood, © 18:50 20 Mar 2021
    Hal, a once so-so director, made it known that he was still proud of his abilities, even if it meant being involved with a theater in decline.
  • Enola: Ballet?
    Nemo: Na, Niagara bar again. 
    Prawn Warp: Niagara bar again? — An Omen! Tell Abalone!
    - Lloyd Wood, © 17:20 20 Mar 2021
    This conversation includes things about the sea and water, as well as the mysterious “Enola.” The somewhat science-fictional “Prawn Warp” must assume that everything Nemo says is a sign of his soothsaying abilities.
    This palindrome started with the word abalone and grew from there several days later.
  • Rats! No iron on Orion star.
    - Lloyd Wood, © 14:12 18 Mar 2021
    I was counting on it. And to think I traveled all that way for nothing...
    I like “No iron on Orion” by itself but the additional words seem to help it make more sense.
  • No ore, Mac. No red now. Wonder on, Cameroon.
    - Lloyd Wood, © 13:49 18 Mar 2021
    Iron ore is often red. Cameroon has it but doesn’t mine it. I wonder why?
  • ‘Tis I, an ankle elk, Nana. Is it?
    - Lloyd Wood, © 12:00 17 Mar 2021
    If “Ankle Elks” actually exist—which I’m sure they do—then they undoubtedly announce themselves to their grandmothers with a Middle English opening! This one seems a little unsure of himself.
  • Derail data a tad, liar Ed?
    - ercewx, © 18:58 15 Mar 2021
    If your truth-telling sometimes goes astray and your name happens to be Ed, someone may ask you this.
  • Sulu’s Ulus
    - Lloyd Wood, © 00:29 10 Mar 2021
    One of the Starship Enterprise’s crew has set up shop and is selling traditional ulu knives of the Inuit and Yupik people.
  • “Suga” raps “A Royal Slay” or “Asparagus.”
    - ercewx, © 00:06 10 Mar 2021
    Are these the song titles of a rap artist named Suga, or are Suga’s knuckles being used to tap out the words in Morse code? Hmm...
    This palindrome started during a trip to the produce section of a grocery store.
    The word “Slay” is being used here to mean “strongly impress” or perform exceptionally.
  • Marino: “On I ram.”
    Marion: “No I ram, Marino! On I ram.”
    - Lloyd Wood, © 17:27 09 Mar 2021
    The first speaker played for the Dolphins, so it is strange that the subject matter subtly names another team, the Rams. Marion just may win the argument.
  • Diddle if a field did
    - Mark Rahl, © 21:11 08 Mar 2021
    Fields like to do nothing and just sit there all day. That sounds so relaxing. So if you’re stressed out, just diddle if a field did.
  • Fool a nosy son aloof.
    - Lloyd Wood (from Cia, So Manic in a Mosaic), © 18:43 08 Mar 2021
    Even the most prying relative can be bamboozled when they aren’t paying attention!
  • Nomad Al led Della, Damon.
    - ercewx, © 19:17 07 Mar 2021
    I am glad I recently spoke to Damon, or I may have never known where Della wandered to...
  • To Gramma, I am Margot.
    - ercewx, © 19:14 07 Mar 2021
    I don’t know why she calls me that, but she’s my Gramma, and she can do whatever she wants.
  • Cain: a man, a maniac
    - Lloyd Wood, © 18:29 03 Mar 2021
    This palindrome started with maniac. It turned out to be a very fitting description for someone who killed his brother, as described in the Bible in the book of Genesis. It amazes me sometimes how seemingly random words can make so much sense backward.
  • A lone tin, it is. Sit in it, Enola.
    - Lloyd Wood, © 18:08 03 Mar 2021
    Washtubs for bathing used to be the work of a tinsmith. I thought of the old West when I finished this palindrome that seems to be telling Enola to have a bath.
  • Tide, ocean: Na eco-edit
    - Lloyd Wood, © 17:57 03 Mar 2021
    This one’s a little hard to follow but I think it makes sense once it is understood. The tide and ocean are always moving and changing the ecology (eco-edit) of things in the water and shores. Sodium (Na) is the first component in salt, which the ocean has in abundance.
  • Diary raid!
    - Lloyd Wood, © 16:23 03 Mar 2021
    My sister valued her privacy, so she never liked this.
  • Dog, huh? Ruff....fur, huh, God?
    - Lloyd Wood, © 15:57 01 Mar 2021
    I guess we all have questions from time to time. I started this one with “ruff fur”. Neat that dogs do this and have that.
  • We revere venison tubed DNA tons and pull up DNA snot and debut no sin ever, ever. Ew!
    - Lloyd Wood, © 15:51 01 Mar 2021
    I have no excuse for this.
  • Les sat on tub; ample help, ma—but no tassel.
    - Lloyd Wood (from Cia, So Manic in a Mosaic), © 15:50 01 Mar 2021
    Somehow, I don’t think Les is going to get any awards for this....
  • Tee-free deer feet
    - Lloyd Wood, © 21:56 26 Feb 2021
    If you’ve ever taken a road trip through the south or parts of the Midwest, you undoubtedly have seen the occasional signs every 1/8 mile or so so along the way: Sweet Corn, Fresh Molasses, Saltwater Taffy, Tee-Free Deer Feet, Roasted Pecans, etc.
    Wait a minute... WHAT??!
  • Mastic. It sit rad artistic. It's a.m.
    - Ray N. Franklin, © 18:14 26 Feb 2021
    I was scribbling a few thoughts about how to organize my first palindrome anthology. I wrote down some category names and one triggered a nascent palindrome. Artistic or Bonkers was the name, and I focused on artistic.
    First I reversed it.
    artistic c it sit ra
    Of course, there are other ways to split the reverse, but I tried that one first. Then I swapped the forward and reverse. I added a D to avoid the doubled-letter A in the middle.
    c it sit ra artistic
    c it sit rad artistic
    As I knew from previous experience, many words end with C. I got lucky when the word mastic popped into my head.
    Mastic it sit rad artistic it Sam
    Mastic. It sit rad artistic. It's a.m.
    Building materials as art. What will we think of next?
  • Repel a storm. Ergo, depart! Oh, can a reviled snot sue us tons? Deliver a nacho. Trap Ed. Ogre M rots a leper.
    - Lloyd Wood, © 17:29 25 Feb 2021
    For me, explaining how I do it is more difficult than doing it and much less fun. For this palindrome, I had compiled a list of words (mostly in twos) I had thought of that are palindromic. In this case, I started with “snot tons” and it grew from there. I also just wrote down random words to see if the ends of them could be made into a word, reversed. It took me about 0.5 hours for this one and I laughed out loud when I finished because it is so nonsensical, but some words just go so good together. It doesn’t hurt that I go by my middle name, Ed. Just did this today, 02/25/2021.
  • Snubs mom’s buns, snubs dad’s buns, snubs mom’s buns
    - Lloyd Wood, © 15:51 25 Feb 2021
    I always liked mom’s rolls, biscuits, buns and other baked goods. Dad’s not so much. Whoever turned their nose up at mom’s buns just doesn’t know how a proper bun should taste.
  • Yo Walter, cesspool kayak loops secret law. Oy!
    - Lloyd Wood, © 13:20 25 Feb 2021
    This palindrome came about when I was experimenting with names that were familiar to me. That is how our dog Walter came to be in this one. Although he does like to ride on our kayak (not so secretively and always obeying all known laws), I assure you he does not do it in a cesspool!
  • No, wise man, flog Tahiti-hat golf names I won.
    - Lloyd Wood, © 13:05 25 Feb 2021
    One day I realized that “Tahiti hat” is palindromic, which I think is a good stand-alone palindrome. That same day I had been playing around with the word golf to try and make some sentences. That’s how it usually works with me. I think of random words and see what potential they have to make other words. Then I make a list of them and go from there. Anyone has the potential to flog a Tahiti hat, but it would take a really wise man to flog his golf names!
  • Gum stew? Tim must summit wet smug.
    - Lloyd Wood, © 00:30 25 Feb 2021
    Gum stew? Doesn’t sound very appealing, but the fact that Tim has to get to the top of a soggy adjective seems like a daunting task.
  • Megastar rotator rats a gem.
    - Lloyd Wood, © 00:23 25 Feb 2021
    It’s ok to admit it. You would, too if you were a megastar.
  • Pacifier: ah...paws swap hare if I cap.
    - Lloyd Wood, © 00:22 25 Feb 2021
    A pacifier is one who brings or restores to a state of peace or tranquillity. The rest is subject to interpretation but would probably be given great insight from a wise, old sage.
  • Golf won ten awards. Draw a net. Now flog.
    - Lloyd Wood, © 00:13 25 Feb 2021
    Uhh... a golfing fisherman beat his catch?
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Ray N. Franklin signature, printed in font P22 DaVinci Backwards, mirror script