Palindromes and palindromedaries around the world, Middle East view
Palindromes and palindromedaries around the world, Middle East view.

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492 493 494 496 497 498
  • Sore was I ere I saw Eros.
    - Dmitri A. Borgmann, © 15:23 29 Dec 2019
  • Star Wars awe was raw rats.
    - (reported by) John Jensen (on the Net 4/95:, © 15:23 29 Dec 2019
  • Star? Come Donna Melba, I'm an amiable man, no Democrats.
    - Easley Blackwood, © 15:23 29 Dec 2019
  • Stella won no wallets.
    - William Irvine, © 15:23 29 Dec 2019
  • Straw warts.
    - Anonymous, © 15:23 29 Dec 2019
  • Stunts is. Niece insist nuts.
    - Anonymous, © 15:23 29 Dec 2019
  • Suneva, Nina is sure Russian in a Venus.
    - Anonymous, © 15:23 29 Dec 2019
  • Sup not on pus.
    - Author unknown, © 15:23 29 Dec 2019
  • Suppository rot, I sop pus.
    - William Irvine, © 15:23 29 Dec 2019
  • Sworn I sit, 'tis in rows.
    - Author unknown, © 15:23 29 Dec 2019
  • T. Eliot nixes sex in toilet.
    - GAMES magazine contest (10/91, reported 4/92)-unnamed Honorable Mentions!, © 15:23 29 Dec 2019
  • T. Eliot, top bard, notes putrid tang emanating, is sad, I'd assign it a name: gnat dirt upset on drab pot toilet.
    - Alastair Reid, © 15:23 29 Dec 2019
  • Tarzan raised Desi Arnaz' rat.
    - William Irvine, © 15:23 29 Dec 2019
  • Tense, I snap Sharon roses, or Norah's pansies net.
    - Leigh Mercer, © 15:23 29 Dec 2019
  • The almanac can am laeht.
    - Anonymous, © 15:23 29 Dec 2019
  • 'Tis Ivan on a visit.
    - Anonymous, © 15:23 29 Dec 2019
  • To Idi Amin: I'm a idiot.
    - Mark McCarter, © 15:23 29 Dec 2019
  • To last, Carter retracts a lot.
    - Professor Edward Scher of New York University, 1980, © 15:23 29 Dec 2019
  • To Dr., et al.  Re: Grub. Ma had a hamburger. Later, Dot.
    - Anonymous, © 15:23 29 Dec 2019
  • Toni Tennille fell in net. I, not.
    - presented (without attributions) by Tsaor Top Eeknay at:, © 15:23 29 Dec 2019
  • Tons o' snot.
    - Anonymous, © 15:23 29 Dec 2019
  • Trade bad DA bed art.
    - Neil/Fred (Piccotto)’s List of Palindromes (on the Web), © 15:23 29 Dec 2019
  • Trafalgar rag: La Fart.
    - Anonymous, © 15:23 29 Dec 2019
  • Trays simple help, missy art.
    - Author unknown, © 15:23 29 Dec 2019
  • Unremarkable was I ere I saw Elba Kramer, nu?
    - Anonymous, © 15:23 29 Dec 2019
  • Viva le te de Tel Aviv.
    - Anonymous, © 15:23 29 Dec 2019
  • Vote to not slip up, refer pupils to note TOV.
    - Author unknown, © 15:23 29 Dec 2019
  • Was raw tap ale not a reviver at one lap at Warsaw?
    - L.C. ‘O’London’s’, 1929 (from 113), © 15:23 29 Dec 2019
  • We few erase cares, Al. Laser aces are we few.
    - Anonymous, © 15:23 29 Dec 2019
  • We seven, Eve, sew.
    - William Irvine, © 15:23 29 Dec 2019
492 493 494 496 497 498
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