Learn about palindromes, what Franklin’s Palindromedary is, the history of the Palindromedary, and the origins of the word.
A palindrome has several definitions. The one I use for this site is a phrase or sentence that reads the same in the forward and reverse directions. Thus, every palindrome has symmetry. Palindromes are easy to read, sometimes tricky to spot in other prose, and brain-bendingly hard to write.
Franklin’s PalindromedaryThis is the core tool for creating palindromes. Learn how the Palindromedary is organized. Then see how the Main Word List entries give you clues to expand a word. Finally, learn how to use the Reversed Word List to find words ending with the clues you got from Main.
HistoryFranklin’s Palindromedary and this website have a long and twisted history. Learn which frustrations altered my path and which events planted the seed. It took years for the seed to sprout and grow into a possible way to construct palindromes. More than a year of hard work went into building the Palindromedary and other tools.
Name OriginsWho invented the word palindromedary? The story involves ego, convergent ideas and an iconic brand logo. This site builds on all of those elements. Which word would you choose for a word that spells another word when reversed? You have eighteen choices. Be quick! The answer is the name of another word list in Franklin’s Palindromedary.