Palindromedary Anthology Series

Cover of “Cia So Manic in a Mosaic.” Mosaic image of Cia riding a giant manta under the sea with her ocean-loving cat.
Mosaic cover for our first book of new and original palindromes in the Palindromedary Anthology Series!

Meet Cia, manta whisperer and underwater cat trainer. Here she is doing four impossible things before breakfast: holding her breath for an hour during an undersea jaunt; riding her favorite giant manta, Faye Wraye; sipping espresso arabica below the waves; and recording a viral video of her ocean-loving cat, Jacques “Mioeux” Cousteau.

Learn more about Cia in our first anthology of all new and original palindromes. Our members wrote every one of these gems from 1 September 2020 to 30 June 2021. The compositions range from the absurd to the sublime. But this collection is so much more than a list of palindromes. On every symmetrical entry the author explains their inspiration and explores the meaning behind the composition. Available now on

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Ray N. Franklin signature, printed in font P22 DaVinci Backwards, mirror script