Palindromes and palindromedaries around the world, Middle East view
Palindromes and palindromedaries around the world, Middle East view.

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  • Pilsner actor did rot Caren’s lip.
    - Douglas Fink, © 22:10 05 Jul 2021
  • Pilsner is not on siren’s lip.
    - Winfred Emmons III @Palindromania, © 22:10 05 Jul 2021
  • Pinch ‘C’, nip!
    - Anil in Word Ways monograph #5, © 22:10 05 Jul 2021
  • Pining is a sign I nip.
    - Joaquin and/or Maura Kuhn, © 22:10 05 Jul 2021
  • Pinnaces are in a mall a man I erase can nip.
    - Martin Clear, © 22:10 05 Jul 2021
  • Pinnacle eel can nip.
    - Douglas Fink, © 22:10 05 Jul 2021
  • Pinot noir Owen knew Orion to nip.
    - John Kamb, © 22:10 05 Jul 2021
  • Pins laid as a ‘dial snip.’
    - Andrew Belsey, © 22:10 05 Jul 2021
  • Pins nip.
    - John Pool, © 22:10 05 Jul 2021
  • Pins savage Sega vas snip.
    - chalash, © 22:10 05 Jul 2021
  • Pipe mildewed Lime, Pip.
    - John Kamb, © 22:10 05 Jul 2021
  • Pipe, pip!
    - Joaquin and/or Maura Kuhn, © 22:10 05 Jul 2021
  • Pirate, set a rip.
    - Derek Chin(aka Zo), © 22:10 05 Jul 2021
  • Piss pot stops sip.
    - Winfred Emmons III @Palindromania, © 22:10 05 Jul 2021
  • Pissed under, red nudes sip.
    - Timi Imit, © 22:10 05 Jul 2021
  • Pistol asks abattoir, a riot tab asks a lot, sip.
    - Malakidavid (Malaki Stahl), © 22:10 05 Jul 2021
  • Pistons—odd—do snot sip..!
    - Timi Imit, © 22:10 05 Jul 2021
  • Pitt left a fat felt tip.
    - Winfred Emmons III @Palindromania, © 22:10 05 Jul 2021
  • Pitiless, El I tip.
    - Winfred Emmons III @Palindromania, © 22:10 05 Jul 2021
  • Pitiless Eve vessel I tip.
    - Derek Chin(aka Zo), © 22:10 05 Jul 2021
  • Pits loot tool’s tip.
    - appeared in a Word Ways Magazine piece (original author not attributed), © 22:10 05 Jul 2021
  • Pittsburgh saw Hannah wash Grub St. tip.
    - Martin Clear, © 22:10 05 Jul 2021
  • Pity… a metal pot, level to plate, may tip.
    - Eric Harshbarger, © 22:10 05 Jul 2021
  • Pity—no polo pony tip?
    - Hilary Fiskeaux, © 22:10 05 Jul 2021
  • Pity Tina, for paste gets a profanity tip.
    - Martin Clear, © 22:10 05 Jul 2021
  • Place ‘no-no’ on one CA L.P.
    - Timi Imit, © 22:10 05 Jul 2021
  • Plan Alp bar, Abplanalp!
    - James Irwin Rambo (aka Tut) The Enigma, 1970s (from 113), © 22:10 05 Jul 2021
  • Plan, oh Tara, my marathon Alp.
    - (Evade)Dave, © 22:10 05 Jul 2021
  • Play ‘Alp’.
    - Joaquin and/or Maura Kuhn, © 22:10 05 Jul 2021
  • Play augur, Uruguay alp.
    - Michael Donner I Love Me,Vol I 1996, © 22:10 05 Jul 2021
250 251 252 254 255 256
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