Palindromes and palindromedaries around the world, Middle East view
Palindromes and palindromedaries around the world, Middle East view.

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332 333 334 336 337 338
  • Submarine men, I ram bus.
    - Winfred Emmons III @Palindromania, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Submarine pod open: I ram bus.
    - Martin Clear, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Suborn acting: I saw a sign it can rob us.
    - Martin Clear, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Suborn action: I sack Roy, we nag a New York casino; it can rob us.
    - Martin Clear, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Sub’s knob bonks bus!
    - Jon Agee, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Subtle cavers rev a Celt bus.
    - Martin Clear, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Subtle Fifi felt bus.
    - Douglas Fink, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Suburban dad nab, rub us?
    - DrAwarkard404, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Sue, Babe, us.
    - Derek Chin(aka Zo), © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Sue, Dave did evade us.
    - Nora Baron/John Connett, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Sue, dice—do!—to decide us.
    - Leigh Mercer, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Sue, divide us!
    - Nora Baron/John Connett, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Sue, I limit, I HATE, Tahiti milieus.
    - Winfred Emmons III @Palindromania, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Sue, kill a gal like us.
    - John Kamb, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Sue located a cadet a coleus.
    - Winfred Emmons III @Palindromania, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Sue, reverse mordant Etna ‘dromes, revere us.
    - Bill A.O’Connor, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Sue, Rip must fill a tip so hospital lifts umpire us.
    - Martin Clear, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Sue, robots edit peptides to bore us.
    - Martin Clear, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Sue, robots use Jesus; I’m told a bad lot misuse Jesus to bore us.
    - Martin Clear, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Sue, Rob’s doggone nog gods bore us.
    - Bill A.O’Connor, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Sue, sue us—Sue use us!
    - Charles Yazijian, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Sue, tip sedate Meta despite us!
    - appeared in a Word Ways Magazine piece (original author not attributed), © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Sue, Tom smote us.“
    - Leigh Mercer, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • “Sue,“ Tom smiles, “Selim smote us.“
    - Leigh Mercer, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Sue, torpedo code “Proteus.”
    - Bill A.O’Connor, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Sue us!
    - Anonymous, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Sue us Otto—sue us!
    - Nora Baron/John Connett, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Sue, vaginal pain rehab mobs bomb a hernia plan I gave us.
    - Martin Clear, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Sue, veil ebony as I say “no”; believe us.
    - Martin Clear, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Sue, Wally’ll awe us.
    - Winfred Emmons III @Palindromania, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
332 333 334 336 337 338
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