Palindromes and palindromedaries around the world, Middle East view
Palindromes and palindromedaries around the world, Middle East view.

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421 422 423 425 426 427
  • No, I sired Elba’s able derision!
    - krill_irk (David Winter), © 00:00 25 Jun 2022
  • No, I sired Sandy! (D.N.A.’s derision)
    - krill_irk (David Winter), © 00:00 25 Jun 2022
  • No, toot on!
    - krill_irk (David Winter), © 00:00 25 Jun 2022
  • (no wrath) “Tar won!”
    - krill_irk (David Winter), © 00:00 25 Jun 2022
  • Noon, Tania: gag again at noon!
    - krill_irk (David Winter), © 00:00 25 Jun 2022
  • Pee Wee : “Pee, weep!”
    - krill_irk (David Winter), © 00:00 25 Jun 2022
  • Raw as it is, it is a war!
    - krill_irk (David Winter), © 00:00 25 Jun 2022
  • Sex in ale gnat Angela nixes.
    - krill_irk (David Winter), © 00:00 25 Jun 2022
  • So, cat’s at Agata’s tacos?
    - krill_irk (David Winter), © 00:00 25 Jun 2022
  • Toot to not toot?
    - krill_irk (David Winter), © 00:00 25 Jun 2022
  • I'm a tuna nut, am I?
    - Vincent Lambert, © 18:54 15 Jul 2022
    Popped into my head
  • God lived as a tuna nut, as a devil dog
    - Vincent Lambert, © 19:01 15 Jul 2022
    What can I say? I wish it were better...
  • Emit sex at taxes time
    - Vincent Lambert, © 14:12 18 Jul 2022
    Was thinking about sex
  • Al, let"s emit sex at taxes time. Stella.
    - Vincent Lambert, © 14:22 18 Jul 2022
    Still thinking about sex!
  • Ed Oca sees a code.
    - Bjon-O-Casey, © 00:00 23 Jul 2022
  • No, pals slap on!
    - Intrepid_Wanderer, © 00:00 23 Jul 2022
  • Now I see banana bees I won!
    - Intrepid_Wanderer, © 00:00 23 Jul 2022
  • “Tie Man” did Abe bad, I’d name it.
    - mpkomara, © 00:00 23 Jul 2022
  • Distaste gets at Sid.
    - Douglas Fink, © 00:00 23 Jul 2022
  • Emboldened, a man definitely, as I say, let in if Edna made Ned lob me.
    - DrAwarkard404, © 00:00 23 Jul 2022
  • Sex, if fate set, affixes.
    - DrAwarkard404, © 00:00 23 Jul 2022
  • God on evil agnostic: “Illicit song alive, no dog!”
    - treelovingaytheist, © 00:00 23 Jul 2022
  • Name me “Meme Man!”
    - Douglas Fink, © 00:00 23 Jul 2022
  • Swag we get sates, a base taste: gewgaws!
    - Malakidavid (Malaki Stahl), © 00:00 26 Jul 2022
  • Napa nixes sex in a pan.
    - Douglas Fink, © 00:00 26 Jul 2022
  • Defie me-I fed!
    - Timi Imit, © 00:00 26 Jul 2022
  • Alone gardened (rage?) Nola!
    - krill_irk (David Winter), © 00:00 26 Jul 2022
  • DA -“Bets at noon taste bad!”
    - krill_irk (David Winter), © 00:00 26 Jul 2022
  • Deb - “Liar, level railbed!”
    - krill_irk (David Winter), © 00:00 26 Jul 2022
  • Detail “I’m, uh, humiliated!”
    - krill_irk (David Winter), © 00:00 26 Jul 2022
421 422 423 425 426 427
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