Palindromes and palindromedaries around the world, Middle East view
Palindromes and palindromedaries around the world, Middle East view.

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427 428 429 431 432 433
  • Do greens sneer God?
    - eSatisfire, © 00:00 23 Oct 2022
  • SUSE, tail of Xenon exfoliates us.
    - Falxo7326, © 00:00 23 Oct 2022
  • Reward art: Xerox, or extra drawer?
    - Patotoswatter, © 00:00 23 Oct 2022
  • E-bot, Ma, is a dud, as I am to be.
    - Bjon-O-Casey, © 00:00 23 Oct 2022
  • Tod stops n’ spots Dot.
    - Bjon-O-Casey, © 00:00 23 Oct 2022
  • Elk raps: “I sparkle!”
    - treelovingaytheist, © 00:00 23 Oct 2022
  • No, it can: Action!
    - treelovingaytheist, © 00:00 23 Oct 2022
  • Yo, bless even Olaf, a lone vessel boy!
    - yrdsl, © 00:00 23 Oct 2022
  • “Cite rehab, rehydrate tardy herb.” - a heretic.
    - Malakidavid (Malaki Stahl), © 00:00 23 Oct 2022
  • No leftist egg gets it, felon.
    - Malakidavid (Malaki Stahl), © 00:00 23 Oct 2022
  • Pug get last fare, fill life raft, salt egg up.
    - Malakidavid (Malaki Stahl), © 00:00 23 Oct 2022
  • Pure, I pass a pier up.
    - Malakidavid (Malaki Stahl), © 00:00 23 Oct 2022
  • Put on siren: Ruby Burner is not up.
    - Malakidavid (Malaki Stahl), © 00:00 23 Oct 2022
  • Synopsis is pony’s.
    - Malakidavid (Malaki Stahl), © 00:00 23 Oct 2022
  • We fret new, enter few.
    - Malakidavid (Malaki Stahl), © 00:00 23 Oct 2022
  • Debase it to help push supple hotties abed.
    - catinore, © 00:00 31 Oct 2022
  • “Dairy maid empire, rip media myriad!”
    - zomagus, © 00:00 31 Oct 2022
  • Am God’s selfless dogma.
    - eSatisfire, © 00:00 31 Oct 2022
  • Art’s, uh, tar, a zero-lore.” - Zarathustra.
    - eSatisfire, © 00:00 31 Oct 2022
  • Depp and I kidnapped.
    - eSatisfire, © 00:00 31 Oct 2022
  • Trade lured art-trade!” ruled Art.
    - eSatisfire, © 00:00 31 Oct 2022
  • “Adidas’ data a tad sad!” - Ida.
    - krill_irk (David Winter), © 00:00 31 Oct 2022
  • Did Rose not satire Rita’s tone (Sordid!)?
    - krill_irk (David Winter), © 00:00 31 Oct 2022
  • Did Rose not spit Q-Tips (tone sordid)?
    - krill_irk (David Winter), © 00:00 31 Oct 2022
  • Draw puffins, spit Q-Tips, sniff upward!
    - krill_irk (David Winter), © 00:00 31 Oct 2022
  • “No slit spit Q-Tips!” - Tilson.
    - krill_irk (David Winter), © 00:00 31 Oct 2022
  • “No WIFI?” - Red - “Now I wonder if I won!”
    - krill_irk (David Winter), © 00:00 31 Oct 2022
  • “O render it spit: Q-Tips!” - tired Nero.
    - krill_irk (David Winter), © 00:00 31 Oct 2022
  • (timid) “If I dim it?”
    - krill_irk (David Winter), © 00:00 31 Oct 2022
  • “I leave Boris, I rob Eva!” -Eli.
    - krill_irk (David Winter), © 00:00 31 Oct 2022
427 428 429 431 432 433
Ray N. Franklin signature, printed in font P22 DaVinci Backwards, mirror script