Franklin’s Palindromedary, trademark, powerfully easy palindrome composition tool, mythical beast, dromedary with a head at each end

Palindrome: Wow! Elephant?

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  • Wow! Elephant? Nah, Pele. Wow!
    - Ray N. Franklin, 10:29 05 Jun 2021
    Somehow, elephant never seemed like a word that could fit into a palindrome. Nonetheless, one day I typed it into the Palindrome Composer and boom! Reversed, it's tnahpele. I quickly saw the words nah and Pele. Those worked perfectly with elephant.
    Elephant? Nah, Pele.
    I added wow to both ends, expressing surprise and implying a loud noise or shaking ground.
    About Author
    I’ve had a lifelong interest in English and writing, which I maintained throughout my engineering career. My computer language skills and open-source word lists made the Palindromedary possible, along with a sense of how to apply technology to the task of composing a palindrome. Drawing on my web development experience since 2002, a website seemed the natural choice for first publication.
Ray N. Franklin signature, printed in font P22 DaVinci Backwards, mirror script