Another famous multi-middle palindrome pattern is “Are hot ... to Hera?” The middle is two words. The first word is usually a plural, either literal or implied. The second word is a descriptive noun, often invoking an emotional response to the first word. Here’s one: “Are hot bards drab to Hera?” Because all the examples I can find of this pattern use ananyms, I went to the Ananym list in Franklin’s Palindromedary. I did not exhaust the list by any means. I also see huge opportunities to expand this pattern beyond two-word ananyms.
About Author
I’ve had a lifelong interest in English and writing, which I maintained throughout my engineering career. My computer language skills and open-source word lists made the Palindromedary possible, along with a sense of how to apply technology to the task of composing a palindrome. Drawing on my web development experience since 2002, a website seemed the natural choice for first publication.