Franklin’s Palindromedary, trademark, powerfully easy palindrome composition tool, mythical beast, dromedary with a head at each end

Palindrome: Yap Onwardâ

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  • Yap onward—draw no pay.
    - Royal Baysinger, 05:07 26 Mar 2022
    At first, the petty water cooler conversations had been a mere inconvenience, but when they evolved into impassioned discussions of forming a union, something had to be done. The manager replaced the water cooler with a large sign:
    Yap onward—draw no pay.
    About Author
    Royal Baysinger is a writer from Arizona living in Montreal. His short fiction has been featured in Beyond Words and Cuento Magazine. His first picture book, Kasanova: Lost in Love, will be released October 2022 by Lawley Publishing.
Ray N. Franklin signature, printed in font P22 DaVinci Backwards, mirror script