Franklin’s Palindromedary, trademark, powerfully easy palindrome composition tool, mythical beast, dromedary with a head at each end

Palindrome: Yo! Boob

Newest Oldest Alphabetical lacitebahplA
  • Yo! Boob a taboo, boy!
    - Kris Rickards, 08:22 24 Feb 2021
    Who knows what error this lad has made. Has he spoken out about politics in polite company, or is it more anatomical? What I do know is that he needs to be called out—somewhat condescendingly—for his actions.
    About Author
    A postman from North West England.
    A writer of of fables, the fantastic, the fun and the Fortean.
Ray N. Franklin signature, printed in font P22 DaVinci Backwards, mirror script