Seed: wasted
Time: 20 minutes
I started this on the verbs list and landed on wasted. The rest followed fairly quickly. I strongly associate the word cadet with sailing ships, and mealworms with the hardtack sailors ate. Going with the nautical (or maybe spacefaring) theme, the word embark seemed like a good way to expand "em". Krab naturally follows, which is a marketing term for fake crabmeat. I liked the image of a cadet drunk on whatever makes Krab mealworms tolerable. Perhaps the combination ferments without any further assistance.
* wasted det saw
* wasted a cadet saw
* mealworm wasted a cadet saw Mr. Owla em
* Krab-mealworm-wasted, a cadet saw Mr. Owla embark.
This was the first palindrome I composed during an experiment to see how many I could create in a relatively short amount of time.
About Author
I’ve had a lifelong interest in English and writing, which I maintained throughout my engineering career. My computer language skills and open-source word lists made the Palindromedary possible, along with a sense of how to apply technology to the task of composing a palindrome. Drawing on my web development experience since 2002, a website seemed the natural choice for first publication.