Palindromes and palindromedaries around the world, Middle East view
Palindromes and palindromedaries around the world, Middle East view.

Original Palindromes Lacitebahpla

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507 508 509
  • A berry tastes O so 'set', satyr Reba
    - Timi Imit, © 08:44 12 Jun 2021
  • A Bernie Mac star comedy democrats came in, Reba.
    - John Kamb, © 22:10 05 Jul 2021
  • Aberdeen’s top spots need Reba.
    - John Kamb, © 22:10 05 Jul 2021
  • Aberdeen’s dads need Reba.
    - BALD MT, © 22:10 05 Jul 2021
  • Aberdeen kookoo kneed Reba.
    - Balky NYC, © 22:10 05 Jul 2021
  • Aberdeen - “I need Reba!”
    - krill_irk (David Winter), © 23:04 20 Mar 2022
  • Aberdeen ewes ordered Rose: “We need Reba!”
    - Peter “Twoply” Sabra, © 00:00 10 Sep 2022
  • Abe, o man, a wasted ace cadet saw an amoeba!
    - Winfred Emmons III @Palindromania, © 22:10 05 Jul 2021
  • Abe O’Malley did yell “Amoeba!”
    - Douglas Fink, © 22:10 05 Jul 2021
  • Abba, Jedi ride Jabba?
    - Peter “Twoply” Sabra, © 22:10 05 Jul 2021
  • A bat’s a man in a mastaba.
    - Martin Clear, © 22:10 05 Jul 2021
  • A base tar cost Socrates a B.A.
    - (Evade)Dave, © 22:10 05 Jul 2021
507 508 509
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