Palindromes and palindromedaries around the world, Middle East view
Palindromes and palindromedaries around the world, Middle East view.

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  • Sex in a Verona manor Eva nixes.
    - Winfred Emmons III @Palindromania, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Sex in an igloo, fool, Gina nixes.
    - Winfred Emmons III @Palindromania, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Sex in an instant (Nat’s) Nina nixes.
    - Winfred Emmons III @Palindromania, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Sex in Asia, Raisa, nixes.
    - Winfred Emmons III @Palindromania, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Sex in ELLE in ads Danielle nixes.
    - Winfred Emmons III @Palindromania, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Sex in LA renegade Jed, a general, nixes.
    - Winfred Emmons III @Palindromania, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Sex in “Hair,” Amy, Mariah nixes.
    - Winfred Emmons III @Palindromania, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Sex in Lebanon Abel nixes.
    - John Kamb, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Sex in Nam Liam (a mailman) nixes.
    - John Kamb, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Sex is: G.I. big sixes!
    - Anonymous, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Sex is sixes!
    - Sparrow, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Sex is tacit at scenarios, so I ran ecstatic, “at sixes…”
    - Timi Imit, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Sex, nylon parties, or senile felines, Rose: I trap no lynxes.
    - Martin Clear, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Sex, nylons I see; signals, slang I see, Sis—no lynxes.
    - Nora Baron/John Connett, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Sex obese LA pensioner nixes; sex in Reno is Nepalese boxes.
    - Martin Clear, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Sex obeyed eye boxes.
    - Malakidavid (Malaki Stahl), © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • “Sex, or excel?” Alec xeroxes.
    - Corey Robert Trip, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Sex Rex, Xerxes!
    - Gerard Kleijwegt, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Sex-Ed. Nixon (an ox) indexes.
    - John Kamb, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Sexes lap as Gumbo Bob mugs a pal’s exes.
    - theearlofcrankcase, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Sexist, end “net sixes.”
    - Douglas Fink, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Sex-obsessed dog’s reviled navy van delivers goddesses’ boxes.
    - catinore, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Sexy Rose divides oryxes.
    - Eric Harshbarger, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Sh, Pat, I pee epitaphs!
    - Malakidavid (Malaki Stahl), © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Sh Tom, Nate bit Tibetan moths.
    - Stephen Chism, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Sh—Tom Smith saw Nora Baron wash Tim’s moths.
    - Nora Baron/John Connett, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Sh, Tom—stars lay or sat forever, oft as royals, rats, moths.
    - Stephen Chism, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Sh—Tom’s gardener, Irene, drags moths.
    - Nora Baron/John Connett, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Sh—Tom’s wasp saws moths!
    - Stephen Chism, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Shahs lived well … lewd evil shahs!
    - Martin Clear, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
298 299 300 302 303 304
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