Palindromes and palindromedaries around the world, Middle East view
Palindromes and palindromedaries around the world, Middle East view.

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  • Shall a wee shah see wallahs?
    - Martin Clear, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Shall I risk, sir, ill “ah”s?
    - Timi Imit, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Shall Otay add Ayatollahs?
    - Michael Donner I Love Me,Vol I 1996, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Shall Otay assess Ayatollahs?
    - Michael Donner I Love Me,Vol I 1996, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Shall Otay ax Ayatollahs?
    - Michael Donner I Love Me,Vol I 1996, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Sharon’s tuba abuts Norah’s.
    - Gregory Tulonen, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Shahs lived: I may let a despot stop sedately amid evil shahs.
    - Martin Clear, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Sharon e-mailed Delia menorahs.
    - Douglas Fink, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Shep met tempehs.
    - Douglas Fink, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Short, sad, a hick (Ninny-Lynn, in K.C.), I had a Stroh’s.
    - Nora Baron/John Connett, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Shot put ogre vented: “ABC bad: ET never got up to ‘H’s”.
    - Martin Clear, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Show ended—new ohs.
    - Douglas Fink, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Shower drew “Oh”s!
    - Timi Imit, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Si, nut was I ere I saw Tunis!
    - from Jouko Volta’s (now discontinued) Web Page, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • “Si, robots garble BASIC,” Isabel brags to Boris.
    - Eric Harshbarger, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Si, sir—Casandra had a hard NASA crisis.
    - T Fox, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • “Si, Tia, lure Gerulaitis!”
    - Winfred Emmons III @Palindromania, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Si, we’ll let Dad tell Lewis.
    - El Uqsor The Enigma, 1957 (from 113), © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Siamese, Ma is.
    - Bob’s Palindrome Page, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Sib Anna cottons not to cannabis.
    - Winfred Emmons III @Palindromania, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Sib bars mom’s rabbis.
    - Douglas Fink, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Sib barks, “I risk rabbis!”
    - Douglas Fink, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Sibilate, get alibis.
    - Anonymous, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Sibilate, let alibis.
    - Anonymous, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Sibilateet alibis.
    - Anonymous, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Sibilate my metal ibis.
    - Douglas Fink, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Sibilate pet alibis.
    - Michael Donner I Love Me,Vol I 1996, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Sibilate wet alibis!
    - Douglas Fink, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Sid, El titled is.
    - Winfred Emmons III @Palindromania, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
  • Sid, “Ere wolf, Ed deflowered is.”
    - Winfred Emmons III @Palindromania, © 22:11 05 Jul 2021
299 300 301 303 304 305
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