Palindromes and palindromedaries around the world, Middle East view
Palindromes and palindromedaries around the world, Middle East view.

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19 20 21 23 24 25
  • Part laminate id, a diet animal trap.
    - Lloyd Wood, © 16:37 24 Feb 2021
    Everyone has a laminate piece of identification, but I’ll bet there aren’t many who have a diet animal trap!
  • Bonk a knob.
    - Lloyd Wood (from Cia, So Manic in a Mosaic), © 16:38 24 Feb 2021
    It hurts when you run into the handle of a door!
  • Was lion ever even oil saw?
    - Lloyd Wood, © 16:40 24 Feb 2021
    This age-old question is clearly answered by the next palindrome.
  • Lion was a sawn oil.
    - Lloyd Wood, © 16:41 24 Feb 2021
  • Doctor, I don’t nod. I rot cod.
    - Lloyd Wood, © 16:52 24 Feb 2021
    Doctor backward was just begging to be used, so I told ol’ sawbones what I do and don’t do to see if it would help him diagnose my obsession with words. It didn’t.
  • Bus a red nun in under a sub.
    - ercewx, © 16:56 24 Feb 2021
    I know what you’re thinking. It’s impossible to find a red nun who would get in a bus and allow you to drive her under a submarine. Believe me, it’s easier when the sub is dry-docked!
  • Rot a gill, a doctor; rot cod, alligator!
    - Lloyd Wood, © 17:35 24 Feb 2021
    Alligators need lots of instructions.
  • Muse mime sum.
    - Lloyd Wood (from Cia, So Manic in a Mosaic), © 22:38 24 Feb 2021
    Muse: one of the nine ancient Greek and Roman goddesses believed to be in charge of particular arts and sciences.
    Mime: an ancient dramatic entertainment representing scenes from life, usually in a ridiculous manner.
    I can’t say what the two of these would equal (sum), but they seem to be well matched.
  • No time, emit on
    - Lloyd Wood, © 22:47 24 Feb 2021
    ???? Time keeps on slippin’ into the future...
    I don’t really have a story for every palindrome I’ve thought of, especially since many of them were over the last couple years.
  • Live war, raw evil.
    - Lloyd Wood, © 23:03 24 Feb 2021
    While there are so many that I enjoy that make me laugh, I really like this palindrome because it actually makes sense.
  • Nah, tan OJ, Jonathan
    - Lloyd Wood, © 23:19 24 Feb 2021
    I’m sure Jonathan has figured this one out before!
  • Rod on a rail. Liar, an odor.
    - Lloyd Wood, © 23:22 24 Feb 2021
    Was that a rod on a rail? Nope, just an odor. Weird.
  • Tim, Edna, nose roses. Abide, Jedi. Base sore son and emit.
    - Lloyd Wood, © 23:26 24 Feb 2021
    I know... this one is all over the place. But how many palindromes talk about Star Wars?
  • Made man name dam.
    - ercewx, © 23:27 24 Feb 2021
    Somebody had to do it, right?
  • He tips a red nun under a spit, eh?
    - ercewx, © 23:31 24 Feb 2021
    Another story about the rare, red nun. This poor nun has been put through the wringer. And for what? That’s just not right.
  • Erupt on, not pure.
    - Lloyd Wood, © 23:44 24 Feb 2021
    Dirty volcano!
  • Tray my art. Not a ton! Tray my art.
    - Lloyd Wood, © 23:46 24 Feb 2021
    Please, handle my paintings with utmost care.
  • Bus. Abandon live evil. Nod, nab a  sub.
    - Lloyd Wood, © 23:48 24 Feb 2021
    Just another ordinary day...
  • Not a liar, never even rail a ton.
    - Lloyd Wood, © 23:59 24 Feb 2021
    I have no defense for this one.
  • Dub a bud. Bud a dub. Dub a bud.
    - Lloyd Wood, © 00:03 25 Feb 2021
    This could go on forever. But then you may end up sounding like a little frog in the distance on a warm spring evening.
  • Ha.Help Pam lap a palm apple.Hah!
    - Lloyd Wood, © 00:06 25 Feb 2021
    We could all use some help now and then but we probably shouldn’t scoff or  laugh at the one we are trying to help.
  • Strap my gym parts.
    - Lloyd Wood (from Cia, So Manic in a Mosaic), © 00:10 25 Feb 2021
    I was opening a recreation center, and all the materials I needed to build the gymnasium were falling off the truck that was supposed to deliver them to the location. Thus, I politely asked the driver to help me secure them.
  • Golf won ten awards. Draw a net. Now flog.
    - Lloyd Wood, © 00:13 25 Feb 2021
    Uhh... a golfing fisherman beat his catch?
  • Pacifier: ah...paws swap hare if I cap.
    - Lloyd Wood, © 00:22 25 Feb 2021
    A pacifier is one who brings or restores to a state of peace or tranquillity. The rest is subject to interpretation but would probably be given great insight from a wise, old sage.
  • Megastar rotator rats a gem.
    - Lloyd Wood, © 00:23 25 Feb 2021
    It’s ok to admit it. You would, too if you were a megastar.
  • Gum stew? Tim must summit wet smug.
    - Lloyd Wood, © 00:30 25 Feb 2021
    Gum stew? Doesn’t sound very appealing, but the fact that Tim has to get to the top of a soggy adjective seems like a daunting task.
  • No, wise man, flog Tahiti-hat golf names I won.
    - Lloyd Wood, © 13:05 25 Feb 2021
    One day I realized that “Tahiti hat” is palindromic, which I think is a good stand-alone palindrome. That same day I had been playing around with the word golf to try and make some sentences. That’s how it usually works with me. I think of random words and see what potential they have to make other words. Then I make a list of them and go from there. Anyone has the potential to flog a Tahiti hat, but it would take a really wise man to flog his golf names!
  • Yo Walter, cesspool kayak loops secret law. Oy!
    - Lloyd Wood, © 13:20 25 Feb 2021
    This palindrome came about when I was experimenting with names that were familiar to me. That is how our dog Walter came to be in this one. Although he does like to ride on our kayak (not so secretively and always obeying all known laws), I assure you he does not do it in a cesspool!
  • Snubs mom’s buns, snubs dad’s buns, snubs mom’s buns
    - Lloyd Wood, © 15:51 25 Feb 2021
    I always liked mom’s rolls, biscuits, buns and other baked goods. Dad’s not so much. Whoever turned their nose up at mom’s buns just doesn’t know how a proper bun should taste.
  • Repel a storm. Ergo, depart! Oh, can a reviled snot sue us tons? Deliver a nacho. Trap Ed. Ogre M rots a leper.
    - Lloyd Wood, © 17:29 25 Feb 2021
    For me, explaining how I do it is more difficult than doing it and much less fun. For this palindrome, I had compiled a list of words (mostly in twos) I had thought of that are palindromic. In this case, I started with “snot tons” and it grew from there. I also just wrote down random words to see if the ends of them could be made into a word, reversed. It took me about 0.5 hours for this one and I laughed out loud when I finished because it is so nonsensical, but some words just go so good together. It doesn’t hurt that I go by my middle name, Ed. Just did this today, 02/25/2021.
19 20 21 23 24 25
Ray N. Franklin signature, printed in font P22 DaVinci Backwards, mirror script